Lightbulb Moments: Policies

Ethics, Integrity and Transparency Statement

EDI Policy

GDPR Policy

Environmental Policy

Quality Assurance Policy

Ethics, Integrity, and Transparency Statement

Ethics, Integrity and Transparency Statement

"At Lightbulb Moments: Illuminating Leadership, we are unwaveringly committed to upholding the highest standards of ethics, transparency, and integrity in all facets of our operations. Our steadfast dedication to delivering quality services is rooted in a profound belief in equity and fairness. We rigorously adhere to the Values and Code of Ethics set forth by the International Coach Federation (ICF), recognizing the paramount importance of accountability, professionalism, and respect in every interaction.

Our commitment extends to the full incorporation of the ICF Code of Conduct for accreditation into Lightbulb Moments: Illuminating Leadership's business practices. We embrace these guiding principles as an integral part of our organizational culture, ensuring that our team members, partners, and stakeholders consistently embody the ethical standards laid out by the ICF.

At Lightbulb Moments: Illuminating Leadership, we understand that ethical conduct, transparency, and integrity are fundamental to building trust and fostering positive relationships. By aligning ourselves with the ICF Values, Code of Ethics, and Code of Conduct for accreditation, we demonstrate our dedication to excellence, fairness, and the highest standards of professional coaching practices, creating Lightbulb Moments that illuminate the path to impactful and ethical leadership.

Moreover, we take pride in the fact that all of our coaches at Lightbulb Moments: Illuminating Leadership are ICF certified. This certification underscores our commitment to providing clients with coaching professionals who have undergone rigorous training, adhere to industry best practices, and embody the values of the International Coach Federation. It is a testament to our dedication to delivering top-tier coaching services that meet the highest professional standards in the industry.

Furthermore, both providers and program personnel at Lightbulb Moments: Illuminating Leadership actively engage in the ongoing review of programs, gathering valuable insights not only through direct feedback from participants but also through the continuous learning we pursue as practitioners. This dual approach ensures that our coach education and leadership programs evolve dynamically, staying responsive to the ever-changing needs of our clients and the broader coaching community."

This policy is reviewed regularly and updated as necessary to ensure continued compliance with GDPR and other applicable data protection laws.

Approved by: Jennifer Dootson
Title: Founder/CEO
Date: 01/01/2024

EDI Policy 

EDI Policy

At Lightbulb Moments: Illuminating Leadership, we are committed to fostering a culture of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Justice. We recognize that embracing diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and neurodiversity is not only a source of strength but also a fundamental component of our organizational success. This commitment is embedded in our core values and informs every aspect of our operations.


We strive to create an environment where all individuals have equal access to opportunities and resources, acknowledging that each person may require different levels of support to achieve their full potential. Our commitment to equity ensures fairness and impartiality in all aspects of our programs, services, and employment practices.


We celebrate and embrace the richness of diversity, understanding that it is a catalyst for innovation and creativity. We actively seek and value differences in perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds, fostering an inclusive community that reflects the diversity of the individuals and organizations we serve.


Inclusion is at the heart of our organizational ethos. We are dedicated to creating a workplace and learning environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and heard. We actively work to break down barriers, eliminate biases, and promote a sense of belonging for all individuals, ensuring that each person can contribute authentically and thrive.


We believe in creating a sense of belonging for every individual within our community. Our programs and services are designed to ensure that all participants, employees, and stakeholders feel a deep connection to Lightbulb Moments, recognizing their unique contributions and the value they bring to our shared goals.


Our commitment to justice extends beyond diversity and inclusion, striving for fairness, equality, and social justice in every aspect of our organization. We actively address systemic inequities, advocate for just practices, and work towards creating a world where opportunities are accessible to all.


We acknowledge and celebrate neurodiversity as a crucial aspect of our commitment to inclusion. Our programs are designed to accommodate and embrace different neurological abilities, ensuring that individuals with diverse cognitive styles are supported and provided with equal opportunities to thrive.

This policy reflects our dedication to building a community where equity, diversity, inclusion, belonging, justice, and neurodiversity are not just principles but lived experiences. We invite all members of the Lightbulb Moments community to actively participate in this journey, contributing to the realization of our shared vision of an inclusive and just world.

This policy is reviewed regularly and updated as necessary to ensure continued compliance with GDPR and other applicable data protection laws.

Approved by: Jennifer Dootson
Title: Founder/CEO
Date: 01/01/2024

GDPR Policy

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Policy

1. Introduction

Lightbulb Moments: Illuminating Leadership Ltd is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal data. This GDPR Policy outlines our approach to ensuring compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679, which sets out the principles for the collection, use, disclosure, and retention of personal data.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and third parties who process personal data on behalf of Lightbulb Moments: Illuminating Leadership Ltd. It covers all personal data, whether stored electronically or in paper form.

3. Data Protection Principles

We adhere to the following principles when processing personal data:

  • Lawfulness, Fairness, and Transparency: We process personal data lawfully, fairly, and in a transparent manner.

  • Purpose Limitation: We collect personal data for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes and do not process it further in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes.

  • Data Minimisation: We ensure that personal data is adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.

  • Accuracy: We take reasonable steps to ensure that personal data is accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.

  • Storage Limitation: We keep personal data in a form that permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data is processed.

  • Integrity and Confidentiality: We process personal data in a manner that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage.

4. Lawful Basis for Processing

We process personal data based on one or more of the following lawful bases:

  • Consent of the data subject

  • Performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party

  • Compliance with a legal obligation

  • Protection of vital interests of the data subject or another person

  • Performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority

  • Legitimate interests pursued by the data controller or a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject

5. Data Subject Rights

Data subjects have the following rights regarding their personal data:

  • Right to Access: Data subjects can request access to their personal data.

  • Right to Rectification: Data subjects can request correction of inaccurate or incomplete personal data.

  • Right to Erasure: Data subjects can request the deletion of personal data under certain conditions.

  • Right to Restrict Processing: Data subjects can request the restriction of processing under certain conditions.

  • Right to Data Portability: Data subjects can request to receive their personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit that data to another controller.

  • Right to Object: Data subjects can object to the processing of their personal data under certain conditions.

  • Rights Related to Automated Decision-Making and Profiling: Data subjects have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning them or similarly significantly affects them.

6. Data Security

We implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, including:

  • Encryption of personal data.

  • Ensuring the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of processing systems and services.

  • Regularly testing, assessing, and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures for ensuring the security of the processing.

7. Data Breach Notification

In the event of a data breach, we will:

  • Notify the relevant supervisory authority within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach, unless the breach is unlikely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals.

  • Communicate the breach to affected data subjects without undue delay when the breach is likely to result in a high risk to their rights and freedoms.

8. Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs)

We conduct DPIAs for processing activities that are likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals. DPIAs help us identify and minimise data protection risks.

9. Data Transfers

We ensure that personal data transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA) is protected by appropriate safeguards, such as standard contractual clauses or binding corporate rules.

10. Training and Awareness

We provide regular training to employees and contractors on GDPR compliance and data protection best practices. Awareness programs are conducted to ensure understanding and adherence to this policy.

11. Responsibilities

  • Data Protection Officer (DPO): Our DPO is responsible for overseeing GDPR compliance, including monitoring internal data protection activities, advising on data protection impact assessments, and conducting audits.

  • Employees and Contractors: All employees and contractors are responsible for adhering to this policy and ensuring the protection of personal data.

12. Policy Review

This GDPR Policy is reviewed regularly and updated as necessary to ensure continued compliance with GDPR and other applicable data protection laws.

Approved by: Jennifer Dootson
Title: Founder/CEO
Date: 01/01/2024

Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy


Lightbulb Moments: Illuminating Leadership Ltd is committed to conducting its business in an environmentally responsible manner. We recognise that our activities have an impact on the environment and are dedicated to reducing this impact through continuous improvement in our environmental performance.

Our Commitment

We are committed to:

  • Complying with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations, and other requirements.

  • Minimising waste through efficient use of resources, including materials, energy, and water.

  • Preventing pollution and reducing emissions to air, land, and water.

  • Promoting recycling and the use of recycled materials.

  • Ensuring that environmental considerations are integrated into our business decisions and processes.

  • Engaging employees, customers, suppliers, and stakeholders in our environmental initiatives.

Key Objectives

  1. Compliance:

    • Ensure compliance with all relevant environmental laws and regulations.

    • Regularly review and update our environmental practices to meet legal and regulatory changes.

  2. Resource Management:

    • Reduce energy consumption by implementing energy-efficient practices and technologies.

    • Minimise water usage through conservation efforts and efficient practices.

    • Manage waste effectively by reducing, reusing, and recycling materials.

  3. Pollution Prevention:

    • Identify and mitigate any potential sources of pollution.

    • Implement measures to control emissions and discharges from our operations.

  4. Sustainable Procurement:

    • Source materials and services from suppliers who share our commitment to environmental responsibility.

    • Prioritise the use of sustainable and environmentally friendly products.

  5. Employee Engagement:

    • Educate and engage employees, associates, and contractors in our environmental initiatives.

    • Promote environmental awareness and responsibility among all staff members.

  6. Continuous Improvement:

    • Set measurable environmental objectives and targets.

    • Monitor, review, and report on our environmental performance.

    • Foster a culture of continuous improvement in environmental management.

Offsetting Travel and Carbon Neutrality

  1. Offsetting Travel:

    • Implement measures to offset the carbon emissions from all business-related travel.

    • Encourage the use of virtual meetings to reduce the need for travel.

    • Support employees in using public transportation, carpooling, or cycling for commuting.

  2. Carbon Neutrality by 2025:

    • Aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025 through a combination of reducing emissions and investing in carbon offset projects.

    • Conduct a comprehensive carbon footprint analysis to identify key areas for reduction.

    • Implement strategies to reduce energy consumption and increase the use of renewable energy sources.

    • Invest in verified carbon offset projects that contribute to reforestation, renewable energy, and community sustainability initiatives.

Implementation and Review

This policy will be implemented through our Environmental Management System (EMS), which includes procedures for monitoring and controlling our environmental impacts. The EMS will be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in our operations, advancements in environmental practices, and feedback from stakeholders.

Senior management is responsible for ensuring the implementation of this policy and providing the necessary resources. All employees, associates, and contractors are expected to adhere to this policy and contribute to its objectives.


This environmental policy will be communicated to all employees, suppliers, and stakeholders. It will be available to the public through our website and upon request.


This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness. Changes and updates will be communicated to all relevant parties.


This policy is reviewed regularly and updated as necessary to ensure continued compliance with GDPR and other applicable data protection laws.

Approved by: Jennifer Dootson
Title: Founder/CEO
Date: 01/01/2024

By adopting and adhering to this environmental policy, Lightbulb Moments: Illuminating Leadership Ltd aims to demonstrate leadership in environmental responsibility and contribute positively to the sustainability of our planet.

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance Policy

1. Introduction

Lightbulb Moments: Illuminating Leadership Ltd is committed to delivering the highest quality business consulting services. Our mission is to empower leaders and organisations through innovative solutions, fostering sustainable growth and excellence. This Quality Assurance Policy outlines our approach to ensuring that our services consistently meet or exceed customer expectations and comply with all applicable standards and regulations.

2. Quality Objectives

Our quality objectives are to:

  • Achieve the highest levels of customer satisfaction

  • Continuously improve our processes and services

  • Maintain compliance with relevant quality standards and regulatory requirements

  • Foster a culture of quality and excellence within our organisation

3. Quality Standards and Certifications

We adhere to internationally recognised quality standards, including ISO 9001. Our commitment to quality is demonstrated through our certifications and accreditations, which validate our dedication to excellence and continuous improvement. In our industry there are several certifications and accreditations that we have attained that indicate to our clients that our standards are high and our service is exceptional. This includes individuals CIPD certification, ICF (international coaching federation) certification and multiple higher education certifications.

4. Quality Assurance Processes

To ensure the highest quality of our services, we implement the following processes:

  • Planning and Design: Develop comprehensive project plans that define objectives, deliverables, and quality criteria.

  • Execution and Monitoring: Implement projects according to plans, continuously monitoring progress and quality against predefined criteria.

  • Evaluation and Improvement: Conduct regular evaluations and audits to identify areas for improvement and implement corrective actions.

5. Roles and Responsibilities

Quality assurance is a collective responsibility shared by all members of our organisation., whether substantive or associates. Throughout the life cycle with a client various roles are taken up which include:

  • Quality Assurance Manager: Oversees the implementation and maintenance of the quality assurance system, conducts audits, and reports on performance.

  • Project Manager: Ensure that projects adhere to quality standards and procedures, and address any quality issues promptly.

  • Whole Project Team: Contribute to maintaining high-quality standards through adherence to established processes and active participation in quality improvement initiatives.

6. Training and Development

We invest in the continuous professional development of our staff to enhance their skills and knowledge. Our training programs includes:

  • Professional Development: Opportunities for ongoing learning and development to stay current with industry trends and advancements. 

        • Crucial Conversations

        • Crucial Accountability

        • Getting Things Done

        • CliftonStrengths Coaching Certificatio

7. Customer Feedback and Continuous Improvement

Customer feedback is vital to our quality assurance efforts. We actively seek and utilise feedback through:

  • Surveys and Reviews: Regularly soliciting feedback from clients through surveys and performance reviews, both formally and informally.

  • Feedback Mechanisms: Implementing channels for clients to provide feedback at any stage of the project.

  • Continuous Improvement: Using feedback to identify areas for improvement and making necessary adjustments to our processes and services.

8. Risk Management

We proactively manage risks related to quality through:

  • Risk Assessment: Identifying potential risks and their impact on quality at the planning stage of each project.

  • Contingency Plans: Developing and implementing plans to mitigate identified risks and ensure continuity of quality services.

9. Documentation and Reporting

Accurate documentation and transparent reporting are essential to our quality assurance system:

  • Documentation: Maintaining comprehensive records of all quality assurance activities, including project plans, audits, and corrective actions.

  • Reporting: Providing regular reports on quality performance to stakeholders, ensuring transparency and accountability.

10. Commitment to Quality

Lightbulb Moments: Illuminating Leadership Ltd is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of quality in all our operations. We continuously strive to improve our services and processes to meet the evolving needs of our clients and the industry.

11. Policy Review

This Quality Assurance Policy is reviewed regularly to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Any changes to the policy are communicated to all employees and stakeholders.

Approved by: Jennifer Dootson
Title: Founder/CEO
Date: 01/01/2024